
About Us

The Cast

Jon: Husband, father, leader of our home.

Currently completing a post-graduate pharmacy residency at Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital. Loves our family, Christian apologetics, Scripture memory, Georgia football and ultimate frisbee.

Katie: Wife, mother, head chef.

Completing fourth year UGA pharmacy school rotations in the Albany area. Currently on "maternity leave" with Little Jonathan and enjoying every minute! Loves being a wife and mom, cooking, learning about drugs.

Jonathan: Son, diaper-dirtier, joy of our hearts.

He was born June 25, 2012 and we have loved every minute with him! With his help, we managed to fit yet another large major change into our first year of marriage. Loves snuggling, sleeping, eating, and making messes that are ridiculously disproportional to his tiny body.

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