
Monday, September 24, 2012

Seeking Rest

In an effort to maintain my credibility as a psychic, I have been quite the sporadic blogger, as previously foretold. But hopefully no one holds it against me. I will do my best to catch you up on the happenings down here.

Jon has just finished his third rotation of the residency. He has nine total. He has to do a big research project by the end of the residency so he's been working hard on that. He's collaborating with an infectious disease physician and also an ID pharmacist, so it would be great if the study gets published afterwards! But no big deal if it doesn't. He's been running nonstop for the last three weeks though, putting in 70-hour weeks, and I am ready for him to get to rest. Hopefully that will happen soon.

My "work" has been going well. I miss Jonathan, of course, but I really can't complain other than that. I'm handling the compounding at the Walgreens I'm at, as well as giving immunizations (get your flu shots!) and other pharmacist-y things. :)  My preceptor has been very understanding and has allowed me to pump twice during the day at work so I'm able to keep breastfeeding. I realize that the stigma about formula among breastfeeding moms is probably a little hyperbolic, but I am doing my best to keep Jonathan breastfed as long as my body and rotations allow me (don't worry - we won't have a breastfed 9-year-old). ;)

My sweet friend AmyLynn took some [professional] pictures of the three of us on Saturday, and I can't wait to see how they turn out. See her blog for a sneak peak soon!

Photo by AmyLynn Titus

The Ingrid Michaelson song "Keep Breathing" has been playing on my iTunes as I write, and I have to confess that there have been more moments than not lately where I feel like that's my motto. We came into this year anticipating some hard and exhausting times, but I have often felt inadequate for the things the Lord has brought our way. Physically, emotionally, and spiritually, I feel spent. This past Saturday, we had a women's brunch at church, and one of the elders' wives shared some words from Matthew 11. In this chapter, Jesus promises,

"Come to me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." (vv. 28-30)

This is such a beautiful promise, and certainly comforting to a tired and weary soul (i.e. yours truly). But what did He really mean? My friend shared Saturday from a Spurgeon sermon on the passage. He said that the first rest spoken of is "given" to us, and is salvation. We do nothing to earn that. There is an eternal rest promised to those who trust Jesus. I am certainly looking forward to that. :) The second rest is one that we "find," and it is found when we take His yoke upon us. When we "learn from Him," becoming like Him, gentle and humble in heart, we are able to accept graciously the yoke He gives us. And the word picture of a yoke can't help but bring to mind the image of a team. Jesus, who will never leave or forsake us, is in the yoke with us doing the work we've been called to do.

This spoke to me profoundly on Saturday. And oftentimes in those profound moments, the task seems so clear and simple. But even since making my inward resolution to be gentle and humble and trust the Lord, I have struggled. As is usually the case with obedience, it's a decision that has to be made over and over and over. Which is where another passage comes in that has been of comfort to me lately:

Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised.
Hebrews 10:35-36

I hope these truths encourage you as they have me. I'm certainly thankful for His word, which is "truer than my circumstances," as my mom likes to say. :)

As always, Jonathan wants to say "hi." :)

Playtime with Dad while Mom was at the brunch. They did great together!

He kept all of his smiles inside until our photo session on Saturday was over. Naturally.

Sitting with me outside as we blog. He's really into his hands these days.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

How Now, Brown Couch

Anyone who ever plans to let children (or clumsy adults) into their home should own a brown couch. We didn't know this when we invested in our new-to-us couch a few months ago, but being inadvertently wise is a strength of mine. ;) Jonathan has managed to poop on it (twice), which really means he pooped on my lap and it ran down onto the couch. And today, when I saw a glob of gooey brown stuff on it, I assumed it was more of the same. But then my brave husband took a whiff of it and diagnosed it as a melted chunk of the Hershey's Special Dark chocolate bar we shared last night. Phew. Nevertheless, poop, chocolate, coffee - all have taken a spin on our (sort of) new couch. I am just fortunate that they are all the right color: brown! Thus, my conclusion that brown is the most appropriate color of furniture for this season of life.

Many of you know that this week was my first week back to rotations since Jonathan was born. I didn't cry quite as much as I thought I would, but it didn't knock my socks off either. Jonathan, of course, has done just fine. I keep reminding myself that this is a great age for him to be away from me because he won't even remember it. And he seems to be having a blast at the McFarlins'. :) My rotation is at a Walgreens here in Albany, and I'm in charge of doing all the compounds at the store. This is most appropriate since this is what I did at the job I had all during pharmacy school. So thankfully it's something I'm familiar with. My preceptor is fantastic, too. She has a 7 month old little boy, so we share stories and talk about being mommies. Definitely a good way to transition back. I will be glad when next summer rolls around though! Jon's work has been pretty busy lately, but he's such a trooper, staying up until 2 or 3am many nights to finish everything he has to do. He's enjoying the work, but I think we'll both be glad when we're done with this year's schedule.

Here's a video of him "dancing" in his bouncy seat last night while we were eating dinner. Mom and I decided that he's still so skinny because he's burning calories left and right!