
Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Times They Are A-Changin'

Well, earthlings, I've returned.

Most of you probably caught The Big News of 2013 via Facebook a few weeks ago... I'm housing a human again! Jon and I are so thrilled to be parents of two come December. My official due date is 12/16/13, but those things are never right. So I'm just shy of 14 weeks now and happy to be feeling good again! Here's a glimpse of our little nugget, in case you missed it before. Looks like Jon, I think. ;)

Can you believe this little booger is going to be a big brother? We are very into food these days.
And does anyone want to come clean my fridge?

Rocking our punk rocker morning hair and a yogurt 'stache. Stylin.

In other news, we are also excited to announce that after Jon finishes his residency this month, he will become the newest clinical pharmacist at Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital! Yes, you read that right, we are staying below the 'gnat line.'  ;)  God has been so good to provide for us in Albany and we are excited about this next stage in our journey.  Jon has really enjoyed the people he's gotten to work with over the last year and enjoys his work a lot. :)

I start my very last pharmacy school rotation on Monday.  Can't believe it's finally here!  We are still undecided about what exactly I am going to be doing after I finish rotations, but I will definitely be home a lot more than I have been over the last year, which I am thrilled about. :)  I will be working part-time at most, so I get to hang out with my favorite chubby little boy more and actually keep our house clean(er).

Here are a few pictures from several weeks ago when we visited the Chehaw Zoo right here in Albany! Jonathan loves the animals. :)

He is braver than I am!

While watching the kangaroos.

Posing with a merekat.

Thanks for being patient with my sporadic updates! We're so thankful for all the love and support we've received over the last year and are looking forward to keeping you in the loop during this next exciting season!

For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.
Romans 11:36


  1. Thanks for the update love it and all the pictures glad y'all are doing well :) Rachel Dillard

  2. Oh my gracious, Jon Jr. touched a snake! That totally freaks me out!!! Congratulations on your big news! I'm so happy for the Alligoods! :) Let's get together soon.
